Summertime and Memories
Summer is a special time as the cold dark days of Winter have faded and the fields are blooming with beautiful flowers and wonderful farm produce. It is a time for vacations, and a time to reflect upon vacations past. While loss impacts everyone uniquely, and is often dependent upon the ties to the loved one lost, there is a common thread that is shared when we gaze upon our once happy summertime memories in the shadow of grief.
Finding happiness during summertime in the reality of a loved one lost can be a lonely and emotionally painful experience, especially when it seems the rest of the world is happy and enjoying back yard bar-b-ques, trips to the beach, home gardening, family reunions, or the simple simple joys of hometown parades and concerts in the park.
For those journeying in grief, summertime can pose unique challenges of wanting to be amongst family and friends, yet suffering the heartache of having to experience those special times with only the memories of those who once were in our company.
It is important nonetheless for those suffering in grief to reengage in life's activities, and it is equally important for friends and families to be patient with their loved ones who must proceed slowly after a heart-wrenching loss.
While there are no rules for how or when those in bereavement should resume social activities, Summertime can offer an abundance of opportunities for those who are lonely to interact with family, friends, and neighbors in many activities that Summer's warm weather and long daylight hours provide.
By understanding the challenges of bereavement as they are realized during the various seasons of the year, may and often will facilitate the heartbroken finding a new normal, and remind their friends and families to assure their inclusion in all activities in which they choose to participate.